Tennessee Valley Winds
Tennessee Valley Winds Tennessee Valley Winds - A Nashville/Murfreesboro Community Concert Band Erich Zimmerman, Director
Erich Zimmerman, Director  

SSW Event Info
SSW Event
MTSU Wind Band Conference 2014
Thursday, February 6th, 2014 - 8:00 PM

MTSU - Wright Music Building, T. Earl Hinton Recital Hall
1439 Faulkinberry Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Band Ticket Info
Band Ticket Info
Admission is FREE for this Event!

Featured Guest Info
Featured Guest(s)
Featured Guest Info


Robert Sheldon

Robert Sheldon

Robert Sheldon (b. Feb 3, 1954) has taught instrumental music in the Florida and Illinois public schools, and has served on the faculty at Florida State University where he taught conducting and instrumental music education classes, and directed the university bands. As Concert Band Editor for Alfred Music Publishing, he maintains an active composition and conducting schedule, and regularly accepts commissions for new works. Sheldon received the Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of Miami and the Master of Fine Arts in Instrumental Conducting from the University of Florida.

An internationally recognized clinician, Sheldon has conducted numerous Regional and All-State Honor Bands throughout the United States and abroad. His teaching career included 28 years in the Florida and Illinois public schools as well as at the University of Florida, Florida State University, Illinois Central College and Bradley University. He also held positions as conductor of the Alachua County Youth Orchestra in Gainesville, Florida and the Prairie Wind Ensemble in East Peoria, Illinois. He maintains membership in several organizations that promote music and music education.  He is lead author for the SOUND INNOVATIONS FOR BAND method books, and is a co-author for the MEASURES OF SUCCESS Volume 1 method book and the SOUND INNOVATIONS FOR STRINGS method books.

The American School Band Directors Association has honored him with the Volkwein Award for composition and the Stanbury Award for teaching, and the International Assembly of Phi Beta Mu honored him with the International Outstanding Bandmaster Award. He has also been a twenty-five-time recipient of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publisher’s Standard Award for his compositions in the concert band and orchestral repertoire. His compositions have been recorded and released on compact discs including, Images: The Music of Robert Sheldon, and Infinite Horizons: The Music of Robert Sheldon, as well as numerous other recordings. Mr. Sheldon has been the topic of articles published in The Instrumentalist, Teaching Music and School Band and Orchestra Magazine, and is one of eleven American wind band composers featured in Volume I of Composers on Composing Music for Band.


Band Event Details
Program Details
Band Event Details

MTSU Wind Band Conference 2014
Selections From

Fantasia on Black is the Color Of My True Love's Hair
Mark Camphouse
Metroplex - Three Postcards from Manhattan
Robert Sheldon
Robert Sheldon
The Cowboys
John Williams / arr. Jim Curnow